Archive for the ‘Succulents’ Tag

Soap Aloe Blossoms   1 comment

Soap Aloe Blossoms — Image by kenne

This Succulent Can Bloom Three Times a Year


Succulent Graveyard   Leave a comment

Succulent Graveyard (Normally drought resistant plants having trouble surviving.) — Images by kenne

When we moved to Tucson eleven years ago, a small patch of succulents (a type of aloe) grew on the rocky slope next to the house. I have not watered them, but the past year we have had very little rain; many have died, and those not dead the tips have dried up in an attempt to save the plant. There were no flowers this spring.

So, I decided to pull up each plant. For several days I spent early mornings pulling up each aloe plant. Now I have to bag what remains.

— kenne

Echeveria Blossoms   2 comments

Succulent Blossoms (1 of 1)-4 blog

Succulent Blossoms (1 of 1)-2 blog

Succulent Blossoms (1 of 1) blogEcheveria Blossoms (April 5, 2016) — Images by kenne

These beautiful little echeveria blossoms  (approximate 1.5cc in size) are potted succulents on our patio.
The images were taken using a micro Nikkor 40mm lens on my ten year old Nikon D200.

Succulents Afire — Abstract Art   1 comment

Succulents (1 of 1) art succulents a fire blog“Succulents Afire” — Abstract Art by kenne

“Obviously the facts are never just coming at you but are incorporated by an imagination that is formed by your previous experience. Memories of the past are not memories of facts but memories of your imaginings of the facts.”

— Philip Roth

Hedgehog Cacti Are In Bloom   4 comments

7 Falls April 2013Hedgehog Cactus Blossoms — Image by kenne

One of the first cactus blossoms in the spring are those of the Hedgehog cactus. They have been blooming around the Tucson area for about a week, adding spring beauty as some of the wildflowers pass on.

Yesterday I got a report that some saguaro cacti have begun to bloom, which is early for such blossoms. But, these giant cacti do have a way of blooming when they want to — it’s time to start watching for the return of the white-wing doves.



Here’s some fact-i,
About some cacti,

They’re plants you shouldn’t touch,
Because their spiny leaves are sharp,
It might hurt too,too much!
Yes those pointy spines they have,
Are cacti’s shield and cape,
Helping water stay inside,
Through spines it can’t escape!
They love the desert,
Sun baked lands,
For water’s what they store,
Inside their bodies,
Or their roots,
Like clothing’s in a drawer…

Are really pretty cool,
Just don’t give a kiss to one,
Or miss some time at school…

 — Mr. R’s Plant Poems