Archive for the ‘NASA’ Tag

A Journey To Open A Time Capsule of Our Solar System   2 comments

BennuPoster01smallNASA Image

In 2016, the NASA New Frontiers mission (OSIRIS-REX) will be launched with the purpose to catch up with the streaking asteroid named Bennu in 2018. The University of Arizona’s Lunar and Planetary Lab are leading this mission.

Bennu_SaturnBennu – Saturn — NASA Image

Yesterday, NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center released an animated video depicting the solar system’s formation highlighting the importance of asteroids as 4.5 billion year time capsule containing the basic materials from which all matter came.


NASA Video

We Are One On One Planet   5 comments


Sometimes life is unpredictable.
It dictates things that you do not want to pursue,
nor do you wish to listen to.
But no matter how we resist life,
it won’t allow itself to lay unappreciated
and devalued for a long time.

For each day we live on this planet,
each breath we took when were awake
and each silent breath when we are asleep,
life is already in its existence.

For life is within us,
it envelops us in everything that we do.
It is there, silent and yet overbearing,
when we took our own paths,
when we mold our own destiny,
and when we choose wise and unwise decisions.

Decisions that might or might not
affect the way our life will be.
For no matter what path we choose,
life is always there.

Life is the essence of life.
Life is a God-given gift bestowed upon humankind.
Life is our life.
Without life, humanity would not have existed,
I would not have existed.

Life gives us the freedom to choose,
to see things in its pure goodness,
but above all, life gives us the ability to live on this planet.
For it is life that we found each other. For it is in life that we are one.

We are not only citizens in our own countries
but we are citizens of the world.
We are here because of life,
and we are here because we have life.
Live life to its fullest form.
Thank God for bestowing upon us life. Life is life.

  — Unknown

Capturing The Moment — Space Shuttle Endeavour Tucson Flyover   15 comments

A year ago May, Mark Kelly command the last flight of Space Shuttle EndeavourNASA had space shuttle Endeavour Tucson flyover to honor former Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords‘ hometown on its way from Texas to a California museum where it will be displayed. Read more:


Space Shuttle Endeavour’s Tucson Flyover Was Almost Directly Over Our House.

It was 11:15 a.m., so some shots were almost directly into the sun.

Coming in from the east and heading south after passing over above.

Heading south over central Tucson.

Diffidently better images at right angles to the sun.

Images by kenne

Super Moon Over Tucson   4 comments

Super Moon Over Tucson — Image by kenne

. . . a full Moon of rare size and beauty will rise in the east at sunset. It’s a super “perigee moon”–the biggest in almost 20 years.


Capturing the Moment — In Search of A Moon Tree   1 comment

Image Source: Google Photos

Do you have a “Moon Tree” where you live. There is currently one Moon Tree in Tucson, located outside the Kuiper Space Sciences Building at the University of Arizona. My next project will be to find another in Tucson. One of my new projects will be to find another moon tree in the Tucson area.



The Freedom of the Moon by Robert Frost

I’ve tried the new moon tilted in the air
Above a hazy tree-and-farmhouse cluster
As you might try a jewel in your hair.
I’ve tried it fine with little breadth of luster,
Alone, or in one ornament combining
With one first-water start almost shining.

I put it shining anywhere I please.
By walking slowly on some evening later,
I’ve pulled it from a crate of crooked trees,
And brought it over glossy water, greater,
And dropped it in, and seen the image wallow,
The color run, all sorts of wonder follow.





Capturing the Moment — Our Sun   Leave a comment

A NASA Image

Posted April 23, 2010 by kenneturner in Photography

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