Archive for the ‘Constant Moment’ Tag

Grunge Art Gallery   Leave a comment

Bee and Texas Crescent Butterfly on Bur Marigold — Grunge Art Gallery by kenne
(Click on any image to see larger view in slideshow format.)

I look at the world around me and allow photography to become a record of my living. The process of deciding to take a photograph, what Henri Cartier-Bresson called the ‘decision moment’, the time in which the elements of movement are balanced, has become a continuing process.

As an artist I can modify perspectives before and after the moment. For Cartier-Bresson, “. . . photography is the simultaneous recognition, in a fraction of a second, of the significance of an event as well as of a precise organization of forms which give the event its proper expression.” By making use of today’s digital tools, the ‘decision moment’ becomes fluid, a ‘constant moment’.

— kenne

“Art has nothing to do with taste. Art is not there to be tasted. ”

– Max Ernst