Archive for the ‘Jon Fosse’ Tag

Time Moves On   2 comments

Kenne George Turner

A human being is here
and then disappears
in a wind
that vanishes
and meets the rock’s movements
and becomes meaning
in always new unity
of what is
and what is not
in a silence
where wind
becomes wind
where meaning
becomes meaning
in lost movement
of everything that has been
and at once is
from an origin
where the sound carried the meaning
before the word divided itself
and since then never left us
But it is
in all past and it is in all future
and it is
in something
that doesn’t exist
in its vanishing border
between what has been
and what shall come
It is infinite and without distance
in the same movement
It clears up
and disappears
and remains
while it disappears

— from A Human Being Is Here by Jon Fosse