Another Cactus Blossom Morning   2 comments

Cactus Flower-72-2“Another Cactus Blossom Morning” — Image by kenne

Cactus Flower

We flash victory signs in the darkness, so the darkness may glitter.
— Mahmoud Darwish

As the sun sets—we set our plan into motion.
Our sole purpose to overthrow

any assumptions, to change
the course of ordinary thinking.

Our work begins by speaking to darkness
and telling darkness soon:

we will demonstrate through the secrecy of stars,

earth’s magnetic embrace
how we can be many things at once.

So much of the work we do
is internal, goes unnoticed, uncompensated.

We get written off or not written at all,
labeled freakish, prickled,
rough around the edges.

We learn to thrive
in the dry humor of soil;
carry water in our bellies
to quench our own thirst.

We survive, over again.
Adapt. Even after being
carried in the beaks of birds,
dropped elsewhere,

far from our roots, we grow.
We flourish.
And when least expected, when histories

not told by us, for us, claims we are defeated,
we gather our tears as dew.

We release our anguish,
intoxicated by our own sexed pollen.

We burst,
displaying the luscious folds of our petals.

Amir Rabiyah

2 responses to “Another Cactus Blossom Morning

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  1. What a powerful poem! Let us each ‘gather our tears as dew’ and: not return to normal but instead grow into our greater selves and greater world!

  2. I couldn’t agree more!

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