We Have A Place For Ugly Birds   16 comments

Turkey Vultures March 2013

Turkey Vultures March 2013

Turkey Vultures March 2013

Turkey Vultures March 2013

Turkey Vultures March 2013

Turkey Vultures March 2013Turkey Vultures — Images by kenne


Art from Mary A Livingston’s book, “No Place for Ugly Birds”

We Have A Place For Ugly Birds

During our first fall in Tanuri Ridge (three years ago), I noticed large birds circling above
landing near the Tanque Verde wash to the south of us. Not knowing much about birds,
but my association with naturalist friends has resulted in a mark improvement,
I thought the birds were hawks — even writing a poem (Hawks Circle) and posting it on this blog.

Since then, I have learned more about these beautiful birds
(ugly is beautiful — in the eye of the beholder, you know),
having spent time counting and photographing the birds along the Tanque Verde wash.

However, when it comes to observing and keeping a record of the fall and spring migrations,
I bow to the official Tanuri Ridge turkey vulture counter, Larry Conyers.
He tries to get a count each morning and late afternoon,
and I fill in for him when business takes him away.

The vulture count only takes in the  Tanuri Ridge property along the Tanque Verde wash.
There are hundreds more in the Tucson Country Club
(another place for ugly birds) on the south side of the wash from us,
which is why most of our street names begin with “Country Club Vista.”

Hundreds of vultures pass through our part of the Catalina foothills each spring and fall.
Maybe Larry and I need to start having our own “ugly bird” festival next fall, at first for Tanuri Ridge residents,
later opening it to birder friends — who knows!

Yes, we are a place for ugly birds — Tanuri Ridge!



16 responses to “We Have A Place For Ugly Birds

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  1. Early settlers also thought Turkey Vultures were hawks. They even called them buzzards, a name for old world hawks. The nickname “buzzard” is still used by some today, even though turkey vultures are not true buzzards.
    Outstanding shots, love the roost!
    – Mary

  2. These are good pictures.
    Wasn’t till I came onto WordPress I seen the beauty that can be seen in pictures.
    Love these

  3. Reblogged this on tanuri.

  4. Lovely beautiful photo’s! We have buizerds here, maybe buzzards in English, they are not very big, like hawks. They live on mice and such. They keep hangng in the sky and “pray” until they find a prey.

    • My understanding is that there is a difference between what are called old-world (buzzards) and new-world buzzards (vultures). Regardless, a lot of people here call them buzzards. The ones here are much bigger than hawks. Thanks for commenting on the posting.

  5. I think your photos made these birds look very graceful.

  6. Please accept this award
    Deserved, for you

  7. Pingback: Our Visitors Are Still Coming Through Tucson | Becoming is Superior to Being

  8. Reblogged this on Becoming is Superior to Being and commented:

    The turkey vultures like to overnight alone the Tanque Verde and Pantano Washes in Tucson. The other day we counted in the range of 250 arriving. — kenne

  9. Great; thanks for the photos and report, kenne. These birds have an important role in the ecosystem.

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