Archive for the ‘Relaxing After a Hike’ Tag

The Cover Of My Body   1 comment

Relaxing After A Hike — Photo-Artistry by kenne


“Ginger and Sorrow”

My skin is the cover of my body.
It keeps me bound to my surroundings.
It is the leather over my spine.
It is the silk over the corneas of my eyes.
Where I am hairless, at the lips and groin,
there is pinkness and vulnerability.
Despite a protective covering of horny skin,
there is no such problem with my fingers,
whose ridges and grooves are so gratifying
to both the lover and the criminologist.
I think perhaps the entire history
of me is here—viper of memory,
stab of regret, red light of oblivion.
Hell would be living without them.

— Henri Cole