Archive for the ‘long shadow’ Tag

The Gatekeeper — Connecting Generation To Generation, Moment To Moment   7 comments

Italian SpringsImages by kenne

Mit Truax Benefit May 4th

The Gatekeeper
(Connecting Generation to Generation, Moment to Moment)

I can still see him
walking the land
at the end of our day —
his long shadow
stretching across the land
saluting the setting sun,
listening to the breeze
slowly moving the trees
each in concert with the sunset.

Surveying his domain
in a moment of thanks,
collecting the feelings
inspired by nature’s
changing of the guard
continuing life’s connection
to all things now
and all things to come.

Even as before, I watch
him through youthful eyes
now knowing his thoughts
formed by years of experience
and a divine connection
to the rhythm of the ages,
the language of the universe.

Not just another sunset,
but a passing of the baton —
connecting the day with the night,
yesterday with tomorrow,
creating moments of recollection
of life’s passages from now to forever,
ensuring our never-ending existence.

— kenne