Archive for the ‘Between a Rock and a Hard Place’ Tag

You Never Know What’s Behind That Rock   2 comments

Brown Mountain“You Never Know What’s Behind That Rock” — Image by kenne

“Indeed, it has affirmed my belief
that our purpose as spiritual beings is to follow our bliss,

seek our passions, and live our lives as inspirations to each other.”

― Aron Ralston, Between a Rock and a Hard Place

My Take on Danny Boyle’s “127 Hours” — iLike   1 comment


We finally saw the movie, 127 Hours last night. OK, so most people know the plot of the film, based on Aron Ralston’s survivor autobiography, Between a Rock and a Hard Place, so why see it? Two reasons – director Danny Boyle and James Franco, as Aron Ralston, take you into the dark, dusty, narrow Utah canyon, and the introspective mind of Ralston, allowing the you to be a voyeur in this truly terrifying and intense experience. Oh, and the cinematography an’t bad either – how could it not be with such exquisite geology. I could watch this film again, which is saying a lot for me.

On the lighter side, I offer this video cartoon de jour, I mean given the topic and the setting, it’s perfect for Wile E. Coyote.
