Archive for the ‘Berraco del Madidi EcoCamp’ Tag

Berraco del Madidi EcoCamp — A Photo-Essay   Leave a comment

BoliviaMatt, Tom and Ty climbing up from the Tuichi River

Berraco del Madidi EcoCamp is where we stayed our second night in Madidi National Park. This EcoCamp was founded by Pedro Macuapa, our Park advanture guide in 2007. Pedro’s vision is to use ecotourism as a mean to protect the fragile rainforest environment, employ community members, and preserve indigenous culture for future generations. 

BoliviaTom and I stayed in this tent under a ramada made of mahogany.

Berraco EcoCamp is located deeper than any other operator in the National Park, making it possible for guests to feel the real jungle, and not just to appreciate it from the edges. Our tent had two single beds with clean linens — not bad for sleeping in the jungle. 

EcoCamp-72.jpgPath leading from our ramada.

BoliviaPath to the communal toilets and showers.

We were within a short walk to communal toilets and showers. The water was not heated, so Tom had to take his first cold shower
— he claims. 

Tucihi Day 2 EcoCamp-4-72.jpgThe camp water tower.

After showering and putting on fresh clothes, we had dinner at the camp dining room. By then it was dark, perfect for our planned night walk into the jungle. The walk was 45 minutes to a watering area for animals. As we walked along the path, we came upon a coral snake that was approximately four feet. Our walk ended at the base of a high platform. After climbing up and turning off our lights, we sat listening to the jungle night. Every few minutes Pedro would shine a spotlight across the area below as huge bats crisscrossed before our eyes before turning off the light. This light show went on for about 30 minutes before we started our walk back to the camp.

BoliviaBreakfast before packing up for another day on the river.

Tucihi Day 2 EcoCamp-5-72.jpgView from the EcoCamp of the Tuichi River.

BoliviaLoading up the supply boat. Images by kenne