First Snowball Fight   8 comments

James & Jill 2013-9258 blogMost people don’t come to the desert to see snow, they come here to get away from it. But when you are a five-year-old boy living on the Texas gulf coast and have never been in snow, why not.

So, on the first day of Jill;s and James’ visit, we headed up Catalina highway to Mt. Lemmon.

James & Jill 2013-9255 blog

At seven thousand feet, James kept asking, “Where’s the snow?” “I don’t see any snow!” We had stopped at Windy Point Vista for James to get his “mountain-feet.” A short distance beyond Windy Point Vista we started to see snow in shady along the highway and signs that James just might become a believer — Yes, James, there is snow on Mt. Lemmon.

James & Jill 2013-9263 blogThis all being a new experience, James carefully picks up pieces of snow near the Ski Valley parking lot to toss.

James & Jill -9275 blogIt didn’t take James long to get the gist of it.

James & Jill 2013-9285 BlogAfter spending some time at Ski Valley, we headed over the Marshall Gulch and walked down the snow-packed road.

James & Jill 2013-9299 blogBy now the snowball fighting had taken on a new level of seriousness.

James & Jill 2013-9306 blogPhotos of James, Mom, and Grandma by kenne

A short video clip playing in the snow at Ski Valley on M.t Lemmon.

8 responses to “First Snowball Fight

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  1. Nice. I too remember my childhood days.

  2. Great series of photos. It definitely shows the fun of discovering snow. Thanks

  3. Brings back memories of my sons and grandson having snowball fights and playing in the snow. Great memories!

  4. Reblogged this on Becoming is Superior to Being and commented:

    This year we are sharing Christmas with James and Jill in 80 degree Houston area weather, rather than snow on Mt. Lemmon. This Christmas day morning is 72 degrees in Kingwood, 40 degrees in Tucson with rain showers. Mt. Lemmon is 20 degrees with snow showers. Have a very Merry Christmas wherever you are! — kenne

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