Archive for the ‘Lying’ Tag

When It Comes To Politics And The Truth, We Live In A World Of Fractions . . .   Leave a comment

Source: David Fitzsimmons Copyright 2012 Cagle Cartoons

When it comes to politics and the truth, we live in a world of fractions. Most of what we hear is a best a half-truths, but generally a flat-out lie. Most of us have learned that there are three things we take as an article of faith:  “The sky is blue. The pope is Catholic. And Politicians are liars.”  And true to the faith, the lies were flying left and right at last night’s presidential debate.


It’s bad enough that Politian’s have learned that lying can work to their benefit, what is worse is that the American people know they are being lied to, but accept it if it’s what they want to hear. We may know it’s bullshit, but since each of us contributes our own share, there is a tendency to take it for granted – still bitch about it, while knowing that deceptive misrepresentation is fundamental to our culture. It is so much a part of our culture that we joke about it, generating nervous laughter. One case in point is the video clip of George Carlin talking to the press about “Lying Politicians and Words.” The next time you watch a political debate, listen for Carlin’s words.



“We have sex almost everyday — We almost had sex on Monday, we almost had sex on Tuesday . . .”

— author unknown

Source: Google Images

“The real reason that we can’t have the Ten Commandments in a courthouse: You cannot post ‘Thou shalt not steal,’ ‘Thou shalt not commit adultery,’ and ‘Thou shalt not lie’ in a building full of lawyers, judges, and politicians. It creates a hostile work environment.”
— George Carlin

Are You A Truth-Seeker? Probably Not!   Leave a comment

Cover of "Liespotting: Proven Techniques ...

Cover via Amazon

Pamela Meyer, author of Liespotting, says that on a given day you may be lied to 10 -200 times. We are against lying, but we are covertly for it. Think not? To learn more about how and why we all lie — it’s a part of our history, it’s a part of our culture — watch this TED presentation.
