Archive for the ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ Tag

From Pottersville, We can Hear Those Pockets Jinging   Leave a comment


Like most people, “It’s a Wonderful Life” is one of my favorite movies, however, in a “mixed emotional” way.  It’s  story of greed, a family in debt and generally misureable —  you could call it, “All American.” And, in this week’s most read NY Times article, Wendell Jamieson writes”

“It’s a Wonderful Life” is a terrifying, asphyxiating story about growing up and relinquishing your dreams, of seeing your father driven to the grave before his time, of living among bitter, small-minded people. It is a story of being trapped, of compromising, of watching others move ahead and away, of becoming so filled with rage that you verbally abuse your children, their teacher and your oppressively perfect wife. It is also a nightmare account of an endless home renovation.

Click here to view Critics’ Picks: ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’. Make note of A. O. Scott’s last comment in the video.

Maybe that’s way it seems even more fitting during this 2008 holiday period. In this time of “The Madoff Economy,” we are still trying to figure out how the financial world got to where it is, and  “…as we survey the wreckage and try to understand how things can have gone so wrong, so fast, the answer is actually quite simple: What we’re looking at now are the consequences of a world gone Madoff.” (Paul Krugman)

While a few are taking a “corporate free ride,” many are suffering — so what’s new!

Outside the Dow is falling
And friends are crying “Boo Hoo”
Come on, it’s horrible weather
For a bus ride together with you
Come on, it’s dreadful weather
For a bus ride together with you
Come on, it’s ghastly weather
For a bus ride together with you


Posted December 20, 2008 by kenneturner in Commentary, Life

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