” . . take one as needed”   6 comments

Sunsets & Yard Flowers September 2012Tucson Sunset — Image by kenne

Why I live in Tucson, “. . . take one as needed.”

The sky is more than blue,
it’s “Tucson blue,”
as I walk the trails,
sometimes in pain,
but always convivial
in fellowship with nature
where there is strong
medicine in the air —

. . . take one as needed.

Landscapes draw inspiration,
subtle and complex
as an O’Keeffe painting,
everywhere you look
(with a trained eye)
stories of the past
can be heard
in your mind’s ear —

. . . take one as needed.

Allowing the mind
to enclose infinity
(yes, the mind can)
for the moment
to accommodate
all the sounds
all the smells
all observable images — 

. . . take one as needed.

Diversity, a word
often heard when
describing the Sonoran desert
(the source of that concept)
and the purposes
all living things play
trying to be worthy
recipients of each breath —

. . . take one as needed.

Each day brings
an appreciation
for every moment,
that every second
does really count
as time builds moments
that will forever echo 
off the mountains —

. . . take one as needed.

When not hiking the trails
I continue learning,
learning about desert ecology
and the ways of the past
so that I can be part
of those people
who came before me
and sow their seeds —

. . . take one as needed.

Here we have city ways 
and village ways,
a yin and yang balance
creating a special blend
allowing those who 
dream to live in between
the Tucson blue
and the desert night stars —

. . . take one as needed.

Each day ends
with memorable sunsets
where troubles cease
providing a fountain of thoughts
becoming the stuff of poems
often remaining silent
nurturing the inter spirit —

. . . take one as needed.

— kenne

6 responses to “” . . take one as needed”

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  1. Reblogged this on johncoyote and commented:
    Please read and enjoy the work of a talented writer.

  2. Amazing poetry and art.

  3. Very good thoughts, very good rhythm.

  4. Reblogged this on Becoming is Superior to Being and commented:

    This poem was first posted in May of 2013, then again in May 2018, with a beautiful sunset image. — kenne

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