When Is A Tree Not A Tree?   2 comments

Living In The Shadow. — Image my kenne

Take a leaf off a tree. Is it still a tree?
Take a sin­gle twig off a tree. Is it still a tree?
Remove an entire branch from a tree. Is it still a tree?
Take off half of the branches. Is it still a tree?
Cut down the whole tree, leav­ing only the stump. Is it still a tree?
Many peo­ple would say no, it is no longer a tree,
though the roots may still be in the ground.
Well, where did the tree go?
Removing a leaf, it remains a tree,
but not by remov­ing all of the branches and the trunk?

In the real world, there aren’t any things as we com­monly think of them.
A ‘thing’ as we refer to it is only a noun. A noun is merely an idea, a men­tal con­struct.
These ‘things’ exist only in our minds. There is no tree, there is only the idea of a tree.


Posted September 11, 2012 by kenneturner in Information, Life, Nature, Philosophy, Photography, Poetry

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