Free Flight Into The Wordless   5 comments

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA“Free Flight into the Wordless” — Image by kenne

Poetry is a deep inner calling in man: from it came liturgy, the

psalms, and also the content of religions. The poet confronted

nature’s phenomena and in the early ages called himself a priest,

to safeguard his vocation. . . . Today’s social poet is still a member

of the earliest order of priests. In the old days he made his

pact with the darkness, and now he must interpret the light.

— Pablo Neruda

5 responses to “Free Flight Into The Wordless

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  1. great post, blessings

  2. very nice

  3. Reblogged this on Teacher as Transformer and commented:
    The image and the short piece by Pablo Neruda fit so well together. Poetry is a deep inner calling in humans. It is a language that allows us to speak immediately to the world.

  4. Poetry is the soul trying to express itself.

  5. <–Neruda Fan!

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